Mercedes-Benz’s Video Magazine Showcases Miniwiz The Avant/Garde Diaries is a project initiated by German automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz. The Avant/Garde Diaries is a digital interview magazine that documents personal views on the avant-garde. Rather than labeling people avant-garde, we try to see through the eyes of people, who we admire for what they do. Hartmut Gassner and Arthur Huang close up on screen |
小智研發董事長黃謙智獲選紐約年度傑出創業家。紐約傑出創業家是紐約市長彭博在2010年發起的計畫,由紐約市經濟發展局與福德漢大學共 同舉辦,每年選出包括紐約與全球各地多位傑出創業家,與紐約企業合作交流,目的在振興紐約經濟。 |