Bio Waste Food Waste Plant


Project Name: Bio Waste Food Waste Plant

Project Partners: Miniwiz, Far Eastern Group and Taiwan Nuclear Energy Institute

Location: Neihu Refuse Incineration Plant, Taipei

Date: 2014


Built to process food waste, the Plant converts this wastestream into bioethanol, which can then be purified to be turned into biodiesel or a key ingredient for manufacturing plastic No. 1, 2 and 4 (F124) or straight into energy (F2E).In one year, the plant converts 5400 tons of food waste into 300,000 kg of ethanol to produce over 1,100,000 Polli Bricks, the same bricks as used for the EkoArk building, and the plant’s interior. These would be enough bricks to build 5000 buildings matching Taipei 101’s height.


Built with similar technology as the EkoArk, F2E & F124’s showroom showcases bioethanol-based sample products. Miniwiz’ mission was to get more involved with the recycling scene to be better equipped to turn consumer waste into valuable resources.