Sustainable innovation, integration, excellent design and low cost. This is our mantra at MINIWIZ. This philosophy led us to develop the POLLI-BRICKS, which received the 2010 Earth Award, and was used in the Far Eastern EcoARK Pavilion in Taipei.
We have moved from strength to strength – and at lightning speed. Our integration of solar power and LED lighting into POLLI-BRICKS spurred us to develop an entire line of MINIWIZ LED lighting products for institutional, commercial and domestic use. We believe that LED needs further development in order to fully answer the market need for parity performance with existing lighting systems.
Our latest investigations are in interior flooring, ceilings and wall applications, inclusive of both recycled materials that make a style statement and easy to install green materials that require non-toxic adhesives at installation.
Our intent is to make these innovations available to builders worldwide as we all look for newer, low-cost solutions and refinements in green building and sustainable architecture. We are obsessive over the reduce, reuse and recycle mantra.
MINIWIZ is an all-in-one design / engineering / manufacturing / product marketing company that creates value through innovative application of existing and future green technology. We believe great design and performance in sustainable technology can intersect with and enhance important niches in today’s consumer lifestyles. >> more...