Announcing the Built Environment Honorees for the 2016 Core77 Design Awards


Core 77

Jun 1st, 2016


The Core77 Awards 2016 results are in!

Arthur Huang, CEO of Miniwiz was delighted to be a Jury Captain on Built Environment category. Joining him on the Built Environment Jury Team was Andrea Simitch, Associate Professor at Cornell University, Giorgio de Mitri, Creative Director at Sartoria Comunicazione, and Hartmut Gaßner, Founding Partner of Gaßner, Groth, Siederer & Coll.


The Built Environment category honors “spatial design as it relates to physical interiors, exhibitions or installations, either permanent or temporary, for private, public, commercial or industrial purposes” Designers are aware of the impact their designs have on day-to-day life, aware that they are not only crafting a structure or an installation, but an experience for others. While sifting through submissions, the judges measured impact, authenticity, execution, and scalability.


This is the 6th year of the Core77 Design Awards, which recognize excellence in all areas of design enterprise and celebrate the richness of the design profession and its practitioners. Thanks for all the entries bringing such stunning projects!