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NCTU MBA Program

Taipei, Taiwan

The Benchmark Leadership and Innovation Lab (標竿領導與創新實驗室) is offered as part of the curriculum at the Institute of Business & Management at National Chiao Tung University. Under the guidance of Associate Professor Chieh-Peng Lin (林介鵬), students have the opportunity to work with executives of notable companies in their respective industries, among which included Acer and Bookzone (天下文化) this past semester.

As an iconic leader within the sustainability industry, MINIWIZ was chosen to participate in the program and host ten students for the Fall/Winter 2011 semester. Students were split into teams of two and worked closely with our R&D, Design, and Marketing Departments. Each team was given the opportunity to put their MBA knowledge to the test through market, operations, and pricing analysis, and applying this research to assist MINIWIZ in making strategic business decisions.

The EcoARK Pavilion will be disassembled and distributed to over 100 elementary and junior high schools all over Taiwan in-order to teach children about the importance of recycling. These structures will be made up of solar panels and Polli-Bricks™, and will use Waste Fiber Infused Thermoplastic, a new material developed by MINIWIZ. 

For more information:
NCTU Course Description

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